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Noob Trolling Pro


About Noob Trolling Pro

As the internet continues to grow and evolve, so does the art of trolling. "Trolling" refers to the act of posting inflammatory comments or messages on internet forums, social media platforms, or other online spaces with the intention of provoking a reaction from others. While some may view trolling as a harmless form of entertainment, others see it as a malicious practice that can cause real harm to individuals and communities.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue, there's no denying that trolling has become a part of our online culture. With that in mind, it's important to understand how to effectively troll if you choose to participate in this activity. In this article, we'll explore strategies and techniques for becoming a Noob Trolling Pro.

What is Noob Trolling Pro?

Noob Trolling Pro refers to someone who has mastered the art of trolling through years of experience and practice. These individuals know exactly how to provoke a reaction from others without crossing the line into harassment or abuse. They use a variety of techniques and strategies to achieve their goals, and they're able to do so in a way that's entertaining and engaging for themselves and others.

Examples of Noob Trolling Pro

There are countless examples of Noob Trolling Pros throughout the internet. Some of the most well-known trolls include:

  • Ken M: A pseudonymous internet troll who gained notoriety for his absurd comments and questions on various websites. He's known for his use of sarcasm and satire to provoke reactions from others.
  • 4chan: An anonymous online forum that's notorious for its trolling activities. Users on 4chan have been responsible for a number of high-profile trolling campaigns, including the creation of the "rickrolling" meme and the spread of fake news during the 2016 US presidential election.
  • Trump Supporters: During the 2016 US presidential election, many supporters of Donald Trump engaged in trolling activities on social media. They used a variety of techniques, including spreading fake news and using bots to amplify their messages.


  1. Is trolling illegal? No, trolling is not illegal. However, harassment and abuse are illegal.
  1. Can trolling cause harm? Yes, trolling can cause harm. It can lead to emotional distress or even contribute to mental health issues in some individuals.
  1. How do I know if I've crossed the line with my trolling activities? If you feel like you're causing harm or upsetting others, it's time to reassess your approach to trolling. Remember, effective trolling is about provoking a reaction in a way that's not harmful or hurtful.
  1. Is trolling ever appropriate? That depends on one's perspective. Some people view trolling as harmless humor, while others see it as a malicious practice that contributes to online toxicity. It's important to consider the impact of one's actions before engaging in any form of trolling.
  1. What should I do if I'm being trolled? If you're being trolled, it's important to remember that the purpose of trolling is to provoke a reaction. The best thing to do is to disengage from the troll and avoid feeding into their behavior. If the trolling crosses the line into harassment or abuse, consider reporting the individual to the relevant authorities.


This is an art that requires skill, experience, and creativity. While some may view trolling as a harmless form of entertainment, it's important to remember that it can cause real harm and contribute to online toxicity. If you choose to engage in trolling activities, make sure to do so in a way that's entertaining and engaging without crossing the line into harassment or abuse. By following the strategies and techniques outlined in this article, you can become a master of the art of trolling while remaining within legal and ethical boundaries.